Faculty Seminars – 34 (Online)

Faculty Seminars – 34 (09.12.2021 Thursday)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sibel Duman – Green Chemistry and Industrial Applications

The chemistry considered as the Queen of Science has a very important place in the development of culture and civilizations. Chemistry draws its strength from made contributions to history, art, textiles, medicine, pharmacy, construction, shipping, manufacturing and many other fields. As it is clearly understood, chemistry takes place in all areas of life and of course it has some disadvantages as well as serious advantages. Some industrially used compounds or chemical processes undoubtedly have harmful effects on the environment and human health. Solutions for these can only be found with multidisciplinary cooperation such as chemists, biologists, engineers, economists and even politicians. Recently, science and industry have focused on the discovery of new technologies based on more sustainable goals and development ideas and their integration into business strategies. In this context, the term GREEN CHEMISTRY, which has been prepared by the Environmental Protection Organization (EPA) Environmental Pollution Prevention and Toxicology Office since the early 1990s, draws attention due to its cleaner processes and multi-disciplinary structure. Conceptually, Green Chemistry is a new trend with a dozen principles that involve the redesign, production and use of chemicals and processes using ecosystem-compatible techniques in order to minimize the use and formation of substances harmful to humans and the environment without creating additional pollution. Hereby, our presentation aims to strengthen the interdisciplinary link of sustainability in a broad context and to provide a green balance between academic needs and practical industrial applications.

