Prospective Students Biology

General Info

Biology is one of the fundamental branches of science that investigates all living things’ structure, function, and developmental characteristics and deals with the origin, distribution, and classification of living things depending on their phylogenetic development.

Biology Program; teaches the biological richness of our country, the identification of the plant, animal, and microorganism species, their geographical and biological distribution, the determination of their biological structure and functioning, the clarification of genetic structures, understanding of ecological problems and the scientific teachings to produce solutions. It aims to convey the findings, knowledge, and experience. Another aim of the program is to train experts in their fields who have the skills and abilities to deal with biological information, which forms the basis of life sciences with new technologies, and apply them to all areas of life.

The biology department was established in 1998 and became active in 2010. With sufficient academic staff and improving laboratory facilities, undergraduate and master’s degree education started in 2016 and 2019, respectively. There are four sections, including Botany, General Biology, Zoology, and Molecular Biology. The department has approximately 160 undergraduate and 15 master’s students, and there are various types of scientific studies conducting in the Biology department. Zoology, Botany, Microbiology and Anatomy, and Histology Laboratories are actively working. The academic staff has diverse fields such as; microbiology, botany, reptiles, amphibia, mammals, cancer genetics, and molecular biology.

For more information about studying in our department, please visit

Language Requirements

The Biology undergraduate and master’s degrees are both taught in Turkish.

All courses coded with FPE are  taught in English. They are available for erasmus exchange students.

Academic Information

Undergraduate students must complete 4 years of education by taking 240 ECTS credits. Second Cycle (Master’s Degree) Programme with thesis is comprised of courses in a total of 120 ECTS credits.

Courses can be found on the following links:

