Faculty Seminars – 37-2 (03.10.2024 Thursday)
14:00 Zoom (Online)
Murat Tıltak – TÜBİTAK Uluslararası İşbirliği Daire Başkanlığı/Bilimsel Programlar Uzmanı
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Erol Vatansever (erol.vatansever@deu.edu.tr)
Summary: This seminar, held on the EU-supported COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action Projects, thoroughly discussed the basic structure, functioning, and benefits of these projects. It was emphasized that COST projects are established to bring together researchers and academics working on a specific topic in order to promote knowledge exchange and collaborative research. These projects provide unique opportunities for researchers to engage in international collaboration within their fields of expertise.
Although COST projects do not directly provide funding for research projects, they offer significant financial support for meetings, workshops, short-term scientific visits, and other collaborative activities. Participants were informed about how to get involved in a COST Action and the process of initiating a new action. Specific criteria for applying to COST projects, key points to consider during the application process, and recommended strategies for a successful application were shared.